Poppy Peony Growing Tips

Peony & Laciniatum Poppies

Sometimes known as Lettuce Leaf poppies.  These are not somniferum (opium) poppies.


Spring/Summer Flowering Annual

Height:         up to 1000mm

Width:          450mm

Danish Flag Poppy
Danish Flag Poppy


Full Sun

Moist, Well drained Soil.

Fertilise with standard liquid fertiliser fortnightly until buds form, then weekly throughout blooming period.

May require staking as flower heads become heavy if wet.


Bee Attractant.

Remove spent blooms to encourage more flowers.

If wishing to keep seed pods for drying and later decoration or craft, do not deadhead spent blooms, but leave on the plant till completely dry.

Please note:  In collecting seed for these plants, all care was taken to keep flowers from cross-pollinating, but colour cannot be absolutely guaranteed.

Poppy Colour Code

B & CBerries and Cream
BCFBlackcurrant Fizz
CBCoronet Bay
C PCoray Pink
D FDanish Flag
LilLilac Pom Pom
PMPurple Magic
R RRed Ruffles
S DSwansdown
W CldWhite Cloud
Poppy Codes we use